
Zwielichter (Twilight) 

oil on carton,



Fidus (Luebeck 1868-1948 Woltersdorf bei Berlin), also known as Hugo Hoeppener


"Zwielichter" ("Twilight")



oil on canvas laid down on thick cardboard

49,0 x 70,4 cm (painting only); 68,4 x 89,4 cm (including frame)

lower left signed: Fidus

inscribed on verso: "Zwielichter" Sommer [?] 01. Jan. 05 [in artist's hand?]


Richard Hirsch (1882-1959), politician and glassmaker


Exhibition History:


Grosse Berliner Kunst-Ausstellung 1905


Albert Rathke's Kunstausstellung Magdeburg

Kunstausstellung Wertheim, Berlin (No. 881)

"Arte e Magia: Il Fascino dell'Esoterismo in Europa," Palazzo Roverella, Rovigo, Italy, September 29, 2018 - January 27, 2019.

Publication History:

Fidus (Hugo Höppener) Mappe I.  12 Kunstdrucke aus der "Jugend."  (München: Verlag der "Jugend," 1919), Plate 7.

Francesco Parisi, ed., Arte e Magia: Il Fascino dell'Esoterismo in Europa (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2018), cat. no. 170, pgs. 214 (ill.) and 324.


On a postcard from 1947, Fidus identified the woman in "Zwielichter" as his wife Elsa Knorr (1877-1915), and he downplayed the significance of the perceived "Japanese" characteristics of the painting:  

"The red beams shouldn't be viewed as 'Japanese,' just ivy 'wooden style.'  The lights were Japanese because there was no good paper style in the West at that time."  Loose translation by Jack Daulton from the original German (see below).

whereabouts of this postcard unknown (not owned by The Daulton Collection)




Jack Daulton

The Daulton Collection