Marianne Raschig


ink on paper,

mainly Berlin,1920s

The Daulton Collection owns one of the world's largest archives of the celebrity hand-prints taken by chirologist Marianne Raschig in Berlin in the 1920s and 1930s.  The archive contains many hand-prints of well-known artists of the day, including, among others, the symbolist artist Fidus.

During the first four decades of the 20th century, especially in the Interbellum period, hand-reading in Germany saw a burst of interest.  This interest was a part of the general interest in esotericism (the German occult), psychology, and parapsychology at that time, ideas that captured the imagination of many visual artists.

Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938) was perhaps the leading palm-reader in Germany between the two World Wars. She collected a substantial archive of hand-prints, usually signed by the subjects themselves, offering a fine conspectus of famous men and women in Berlin, mainly during the 1920s. Raschig's work was a highly organized and concentrated study in personality as revealed by hand-lines. Her classic book, Hand und Persönlichkeit. Einführung in das System der Handlehre (1931), contains 158 plates of photographic negatives, based on her hand-prints, together with her analyses of the results. It has been a source of information for palmists ever since. 

The Daulton Collection's archive consists of approximately 700 of Raschig's original hand-prints of artists, sculptors, musicians, singers, writers, actors, filmmakers, politicians, athletes, and other celebrities, collected during the first half of the 20th century, mainly in the 1920s.  The collection is assembled in seven ring-binders, each example with brief printed biographical details.  This is a partial list of the persons represented in the archive:

Artists: fifty-seven handprints, including, among others, Lovis Corinth, Charlotte Behrend-Corinth, Fidus, George Grosz, Karl Hofer, Arthur Kampf, Georg Kolbe, Max Liebermann, Wassili Masjutin, Emil Orlik, Leonid Pasternak, Max Pechstein, Hermione von Preuschen, Renée Sintenis, Eugen Spiro, Emil Rudolf Weiß, and Heinrich Zille.

Writers, actors and directors: Alfred Döblin, Max Friedländer, Franz Wallner, Oscar Bie, René Clair, Emil Geyer, Gerhard Lamprecht, Fritz Lang, F. W. Murnau, Seymour Nebenzahl, Carl Opitz, Leni Riefenstahl, Josef von Sternberg, Friedrich Zelnik, Vera Baranovskaya, Lilia Harvey, Eugen Klöpfer, Peter Lorrie, Jean Moreau, and Mark Sorkin.

Musicians and singers: Pasquale Amato, Louis Armstrong, Claudio Arrau, Edwin Fischer, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Dusolina Giannini, Bronislaw Hubermann, Maria Ivogün, Emmerich Kálmán, Frida Leider, Lauritz Melchior, Karl Muck, Siegfried Ochs, Hans Pfitzner, Heinrich Schlusnus, Artur Schnabel, Meta Seinemeyer, Margarete Siems, Richard Tauber, Tamara Karsavina, and Igor Stravinsky.


Marianne Raschig, Handbilder berühmter Künstler [Handprints of Famous Artists], six (?) booklets (Berlin: M. Raschig's Handbild Verlag, circa 1930).

Marianne Raschig, Hand und Personlichkeit: Einfürung in das System der Handlehre [Hand and Personality: An Introduction to the System of Hand Theory], 2 Vols. (Hamburg: Gebrüder Enoch Verlag, 1931).

Alexandra Helena Maria Nagel, "The Psychochirologist Julius Spier and the Art of Reading Hands during the Interbellum," English summary of doctoral dissertation defended at Leiden University on January 29, 2020, pg. 6 referencing Marianne Raschig.

Elenor Ling, Suzanne Reynolds, and Jane Munro, The Human Touch: Making Art, Leaving Traces (Cambridge: The Fitzwilliams Museum, 2020), pgs. 128-130 (discussion of Marianne Raschig).

Alexandra Nagel, "The Hands of Albert Einstein: Einstein's Involvement with Hand Readers and a Dutch Psychic," Correspondences 9, no. 1 (2021), pgs. 1-39.

Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938, active Berlin), 

also known as  Marianne Raschig-Körner

Hand-Prints of artist Emil Rudolf Weiß (German, 1875-1942)


ink on paper

approx. 23 x 17 cm

each signed and dated by the artist: "E. R. Weiß  13.I.1926"

one stamped upper left: "M. Raschig's Handarchiv."

The Daulton Collection

Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938, active Berlin)

Hand und Personlichkeit: Einfürung in das System der Handlehre [Hand and Personality: An Introduction to the System of Hand Theory]

Hamburg: Gebrüder Enoch Verlag, 1931

2 Volumes (text and photographs, respectively)

24 x 17 cm

The Daulton Collection

A Dutch artist, César Domela (Amsterdam 1900-1992 Paris), designed the striking dust jackets.  Domela was a member of the De Stijl  movement and a co-founder of the "der ring neuer werbegestalter" ["Ring or Circle of New/Modern Advertising Designers"], an association of leading designers and topographers organized by Kurt Schwitters in 1927.

Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938, active Berlin)

Hand-Prints of artist George Grosz (German, 1893-1959)


ink on paper

approx. 23 x 17 cm

each signed and dated by the artist: "George Grosz 30.4.28"

one stamped upper left: "M. Raschig's Handarchiv."

The Daulton Collection

Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938, active Berlin)

Hand-Print, left, of jazz musician Louis Armstrong (American, 1901-1971)


ink on paper

approx. 23 x 17 cm

signed and dated lower right by the subject

The Daulton Collection

Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938, active Berlin)

Handbilder berühmter Künstler [Handprints of Famous Artists]

Berlin: M. Raschig's Handbild Verlag, circa 1930

4 booklets with pull-out pictures: 2. Malerei 3. Oper 4. Schauspiel 6. Operette [2. Painting 3. Opera 4. Drama 6. Operetta]

13 cm

The Daulton Collection

in good condition for its age with slightly browned pages


Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938, active Berlin)

Hand-Print, left, of French filmmaker René Clair (1898-1981)


ink on paper

approx. 23 x 17 cm

signed and dated lower right by the subject: "Rene Clair  16-8-30" (dated possibly by another hand)

The Daulton Collection

Marianne Raschig (1874-c. 1938, active Berlin)

Hand-Print, left, of racing driver Clärenore Stinnes (Clairenore Stinnes)

(German, 1901-1990)


ink on paper

approx. 23 x 17 cm

signed and dated lower right by the subject: "Clärenore Stinnes 24. Sept. 1929"

The Daulton Collection

From 1927 to 1929, racing driver Clärenore Stinnes (Clairenore Stinnes) was the first person to circumnavigate the world in a series-produced passenger car.

Hand-Prints of Artists & Architects Taken by Marianne Raschig

The Jack Daulton Collection


Hans Baluschek (1870-1935)

               German painter, graphic artist and writer


Ludwig Bartning (1876-1956)

               German landscape painter


Hanns Bastanier (1885-1966)

               German painter and graphic artist


Ottmar Begas (1878-1931)

               German painter and portraitist


Charlotte Behrend-Corinth (1880-1967)

               German painter, wife of Lovis Corinth, below


Ernst Böhm (1890-1963)

               German painter and commercial artist


Carl Bössenroth (1863-1935)

               German painter


Lovis Corinth (1858-1925)

               German painter and printmaker, husband of Charlotte Behrend, above


Wilhelm Doms (1868-1957)

               German painter, etcher, and draftsman


Hermann Duerdoth (1879?-1966?)

               German architect?


Max Esser (1885-1945)

               German sculptor


Fidus (Hugo Höppener) (1868-1948)

               German painter, illustrator, and publisher


Ernesto de Fiori (1884-1945)

               Austrian-German/Italian sculptor, painter, and draftsman


Otto Firle (1889-1966)

               German architect and graphic designer


Arthur Fischer (1872-1948)

               German painter


Ludwig Gies (1887-1966)

               German sculptor and medalist


Emerich (Emery) I. Göndör (1896-1977)

               Hungarian-German-American artist, illustrator, and art therapist


Alfred Großmann (1882-?)

               German draftsman


Rudolf Großmann (1882-1941)

               German painter and graphic artist


George Grosz (1893-1959)

               German-American painter, draftsman, and printmaker


O.H.W. (Oskar Hermann Werner) Hadank (1889-1969)

               German graphic designer


Gustav Hilbert (1900-1981)

               German painter, graphic artist, and enamel artist


Karl Hofer (1878-1955)

               German painter


Hans Theodor Hoyer (1886-?)


Carl Jacobi (1876-1942)

               German architect


Franz Jaffé (1855-1937)

               German architect and painter


Arthur Kampf (1864-1950)

               German painter


Cesar Klein (1876-1954)

               German expressionist painter, graphic artist, stage designer, and       costume designer


Fritz Klimsch (1870-1960)

               German sculptor


Georg Kolbe (1877-1947)

               German sculptor


Kurt Kroner (1885-1929)

               German sculptor


Hugo Lederer (1871-1940)

               Austro-Hungarian sculptor


Hildegard Lehnert (1857-1943)

               German painter, photographer, and author


Max Liebermann (1847-1935)

               German painter and printmaker


Otto Marcus (1863-1952)

               German caricaturist, illustrator, and painter


Siegried Marohn (?-?)


Georg Marschall

               German painter and sculptor


Wassili Masjutin (1884-1955)

              Russian-German painter, illustrator, sculptor, and architect


Theo Matejko (1893-1946)

               Austrian illustrator


Karl Michel (1885-1966)

               German painter and graphic artist


Emil Orlik (1870-1932)

               Czech-German painter and printmaker


Leonid Ossipowitsch Pasternak (1862-1945)

               Russian painter, father of novelist Boris Pasternak


Moritz Pathé (1893-1956)

German painter and book illustrator; his principal subjects were animals he observed while on expeditions in west Africa


Max Pechstein (1881-1955)

               German expressionist painter and printmaker


Willy von Plessen (1868-1937)

               German painter


Hermione von Preuschen (-Telmann) (1854-1918)

               German painter and author


Edwin Scharff (1887-1955)

               German sculptor and graphic artist


Richard Scheibe (1879-1964)

               German sculptor


Annie Schmahl (1892-1938)


Paul Schulz (?-?)


Tobias Schwab (probably Karl-Tobias Schwab) (1887-1967)

               German glass painter, graphic artist, typeface designer, and medalist


Renée Sintenis (1888-1969), wife of Emil Rudolf Weiß, below

               German sculptor and graphic artist


Eugen Spiro (1874-1972)

               German-American painter


Paul Strecker (1898/1900?-1950)

               German stage designer, painter, and writer


Emil Rudolf Weiß (1875-1942), husband of Renée Sintenis, above

               German painter, graphic artist, typographer, and poet


Erich Wolfsfeld (1884-1956)

               German-English painter and printmaker


Heinrich Zille (1858-1929)

               German illustrator, caricaturist, printmaker, and photographer


The Daulton Collection